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Al was my Hero

I was so fortunate to have worked with Al Masini at TeleRep and then as Research Director for OPT and TPE. Al was a true creative thinker who was able to envision original concepts and see them through to fruition. He was always coming up with ideas or new ways to do things, and he would involve everyone, asking us all for feedback and insights to help him develop these ideas. No one worked harder than Al, but he thrived on it. He loved the business and was not interested in accolades or recompense.

Al was also a very good friend. There was never anyone more loyal than Al. He remembered all the people that worked closely with him. And he was always genuinely happy to hear from any of us when we called to say hello.
Not only did we lose one of television’s most creative minds, but I lost a very dear friend. He always made me laugh and feel good when we spoke on the phone, and I will truly miss that.

Cecilia Voccoli, Director of Research – CoxReps