Star Search was a TV show created by Al, produced from 1983 to 1995, hosted by Ed McMahon, and is credited for being the template for TV talent competitions like “American Idol.” A relaunch was produced in 2002 – 2004. The show was originally filmed at the old Earl Carroll Theatre at 6230 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood and later at the Disney Hollywood Studios in Orlando.
“Star Search” is credited with discovering more talent than any other show in TV history including: Ray Romano, Brad Garrett, Chris Rock, Rosie O’Donnell, Sharon Stone, Martin Lawrence, Jenny Jones, Sinbad, Linda Eder, Dave Chappelle, Drew Carey, Tiffany, Britney Spears, Usher, Brandy, Christina Aguilera, Sam Harris, LeAnn Rimes, Sawyer Brown, Justin Timberlake, Ashanti, Alanis Morissette, Dennis Miller, and Beyonce.