Entertainment Tonight is a show Al created that’s formatted as a daily tabloid-style television entertainment news show. “ET” is syndicated by CBS Television Distribution throughout the United States, Canada and in many countries around the world. “ET” is “the most watched entertainment newsmagazine in the world” and is the longest-running entertainment news program, with its first broadcast on September 14, 1981. It was also the first syndicated program to be distributed via satellite.
LISTEN NOW: Entertainment Tonight Theme Song [audio:et.mp3]
The primary anchor since 1984 has been Mary Hart, who announced in July 2010 that she will be departing the series at the end of the 2010–2011 season, after a 29 year run with the show. “ET” has been renewed through the 2011–2012 season, which will be the show’s 31st season.